Have stainless steel appliances? Now you can clean them naturally!

Got that shiny stainless steel appliance during the Diwali sale, but now keeping it spotless and clean drives your crazy? Feel like it is a daily chore and you are worried about ruining the shine by using a blend of chemicals all day ? Well help is at hand, and these  common ingredients from your kitchen can be a cheap and  effective cleaner, with no damage to your shiny appliance or to your delicate skin. SO Have stainless steel appliances? no problem! read this article to know how to clean them naturally.

Light Scrub:

The most simple and natural way to clean fingerprints, water stains, and other smudges from your stainless appliances might surprise you. All you need is a microfiber cloth and warm water. Wet your cloth with warm water, wring out the excess, and wipe with the grain of the steel. Buff dry with another microfiber cloth, wiping with the grain. Top 10 home remedies for common cold and cough

Heavy Scrub: 

If you have stuck-on grime or masala paste or ketchup , you can use a simple cleaner to remove this. Cut a lemon in half and dip it in baking soda. This will foam a bit, helping you in your cleaning.

Rub the lemon over the spots you want to clean and let it sit for a few minutes. Wipe off and rinse with clear warm water. Repeat if necessary.

Once you remove most of the larger particles of grime, then move on to the polish.

Homemade Polish

This home made polish  will buff and shine your appliances, and is one of the easiest things you’ll ever make. Keep it  in a spray bottle so you can use during the week , as required.


  • 2 parts distilled white vinegar
  • 1 part vegetable oil


Mix ingredients together and apply to the surface. Rub it in a bit and buff it off, wiping with the grain. If you keep it in a spray bottle, be sure to shake it well before you spray. If you make it in a bowl, stir well before you dip your rag in.

This can be used on all sorts of stainless steel appliances, sinks, faucets, door hardware and even car bumpers. The mixture works on chrome as well as stainless steel.

If you are going to use this on anything that may be heated, such as a toaster or grill, you might want to use fractionated coconut oil. Regular vegetable oils will go rancid over time, especially when exposed to heat or sunlight. Fractionated coconut oil will stay liquid, unlike regular coconut oil, and will never go rancid, even if stored for years.

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