Top 10 home remedies for common cold and cough

Have you been a reluctant guinea pig for grandma’s home made remedies for cold, fever and an hundred other ailments. Guess what – that bitter tasting concoction is not only healthy and safe but also boosts the immunity and makes you feel better. Read this post fully to know about Top 10 home remedies for common cold and cough

Trusting on home remedies to cure common cold and cough is something that many Indian households still believe. Besides treating common cold and cough effectively, these home remedies are also free from any side-effects. Find below our list of top ten  home remedies that will help you treat common cold and cough.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea not only tastes good but also helps in treating common cold and cough. The tea helps in drying running and dripping nose, thus expelling phlegm from the respiratory tract. Among various health benefits of ginger, it is known to soothe common cold and speeds up the recovery process. Home made natural Face Masks For Glowing Skin

Mixture of lemon, cinnamon and honey

Another effective home remedy for common cold and cough is a mixture of lemon, cinnamon and honey. This syrup effectively cures cold and cough.

In half spoon of honey, add a few drop of lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. Have this syrup twice a day to cure common cold and cough.

Milk and turmeric

An essential ingredient found in almost all Indian kitchens, turmeric has a strong antioxidant which helps in treating many health problems. Turmeric mixed in warm milk is a popular and effective way to fight against cold and cough. Drinking a glass of warm turmeric milk before sleeping helps in faster recovery from cold and cough.

Gargle with salt-water

This is an age-old therapy that effectively treats cough and cold. Adding turmeric in this salt-water is also beneficial.

Honey and brandy

Brandy is known to keep your chest warm as it increases body’s temperature and missing honey in brandy helps in fighting a cough. Just a teaspoon of brandy mixed with few drops of honey improves cough and common cold.

Spiced tea

Add tulsi, ginger and black pepper while peparing your tea and this spiced tea is great for your health. These three ingredients play an important role in fighting a common cold and cough.

Honey, lime juice and warm water

This is a perfect dose to improve digestion and for the circulation system. Adding honey to luke-lime water is the best solution in controlling common cold and cough.


Being a strong immunomodulator, amla fights against many diseases. Eating one amla regularly provides many health benefits as it ensures the proper functioning of the liver and improves blood circulation

Ginger-tulsi mixture

Extract the ginger juice and add crush tulsi leaves to it and add honey. Consume it to get relief from a cough.

Jaggery solution

Boil water with black pepper, cumin and jaggery to it. Consume this solution when warm and it will give you relief from chest conges

Carrot juice

This uncommon home remedy is great to fight common cold and cough. It may sound strange but this interesting drink helps in relieving common cold and cough!

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