There are many reasons for choosing handmade soap. The bars naturally retain the glycerin created during the soapmaking process, resulting in a naturally moisturizing soap. TRULY HANDMADE soaps are often superfatted with gourmet oils or butters added as extra moisturizers, and botanicals to nurture and exfoliate the skin.

Most products on the market today are not real soaps by the true definition but are detergents which have been created from petroleum based products. They produce a higher degree of lather which has been marketed as a sign of thorough cleansing. These products, labeled as soap, contain ingredients found in nature which have been radically changed by high energy processes.

The resulting soap bears little similarity to the soap made historically down thru the ages. It is not uncommon to feel a dryness or itchiness following a shower with these products.  When natural oils are used in commercial soapmaking, it is not the pure oil which is used but a material referred to as “soap stock”.  The soap stock is a byproduct of the process which purifies raw vegetable oil into edible oil.  The contaminants that are not allowed in edible oil end up in the soap stock, and then in commercial soap.

Hand crafted soaps are made locally in small batches with care by the soap maker. Soapmakers often use high quality ingredients and specialty oils to create unique formulas. The creative artistry of each bar results in soap that is not only natural but functional and beautiful.

Each bar is safe, luxurious and gentle to the skin. Those with skin sensitivities find handmade bars to be nurturing and beneficial. Handmade soap unlike commercial alternatives retains the glycerin that is made during saponification alleviating dryness and acting as a natural lotion. Commercial soapmakers remove glycerin form soap, selling it as a valuable byproduct.

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